Sunday, May 16, 2021

Finish the story

Hello my lovely students, Today's task is about the past tense that we've been practicing: You'll have to finish this story: "The other day, I went for a walk with my dog, Henri, in the woods next to my grandparents' house. It was a day like so many others that we walked together, but something inside me told me that this would not be a normal day, and because of Henri's behavior,I could tell he felt the same, as he ran out, as if chasing something invisible, he ran and ran and I ran behind him, entering that forest. And when he suddenly stopped, was when the most exciting thing happened:" Just copy the begining, finish it with 100-150 words more, and send it to me by e-mail. When evaluating I'll take into account the correct use of the past forms and originality, and don't forget about misspelligs. Hugs. Mireia xxx.

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Yoga practice.

Hello my lovely students. Today you are going to a short yoga class. Find a video of your favourite teacher doing it, and reproduce the class, the best way you can. Of course you'll have to record yourselfs while doing it, so I can evaluate you. What would I evaluate? your yoga skills? Well, yes, but the most important, I would like you to repeat my sentences and answer the questions I ask you in the video. Hugs. Mireia xxx.

My healthy habits chart.

Hello my lovely students. I am going to introduce you today's task. As you know in this unit we are working on the healthy habits, you are going to trace yours during this week in a chart that you have already received by mail. Like this one:
Every day, first thing in the morning, you must paint all the tasks you have actually done the day before. When all the chart is completed, in one week from today. You'll have to count, how many days you've done each task, write the number down in the last cell, and then count the total of times. Once you have that number, which is gonna be between 0 and 49, you'll have to paint your "healthometer" acordingly so you'll be able to check your level of healthiness. Being from 0 to 20 times, not healthy enough, from20 to 35 times, on your healthy way, and from 35 to 49, completely healthy.
Hugs. Mireia xxx

My monster and your monster

Hello my lovely students, As we are studying the parts of the body, I would like you to draw a monster. But not a monster of your choice, you are going to drive my monster. To do so, you'll have to copy the link you'll find at the end of this text on your browser. It will lead to an audio where you'll hear your teacher (a.k.a. myself), describing a monster. You must draw it, and send it to me by e-mail. Looking forward to receive all your monsters, I mean all "my monster" drawn by you. Wait, wait, the exercise hasn't finished here: Now, I want you to record and audio yourselfs, describing your monster, the same way I did mine. You can send me your audios, and I am going to resend them to one of your classmates, who is going to draw your monster. In class, I'll show you the pics and the author of the monster(I mean, the creator, not the drawer) is going to identify his or her creation. Hugs, Mireia xxx.

Finish the story

Hello my lovely students, Today's task is about the past tense that we've been practicing: You'll have to finish this story: ...